
Starting with a numerical organism count matrix (samples as columns, organisms as rows, obtained by a taxonomic classifier) of merged references and sinks datasets, samples are first normalized relative to each other, to correct for uneven sequencing depth using the GMPR method (default). After normalization, Sourcepredict performs a two-step prediction algorithm. First, it predicts the proportion of unknown sources, i.e. which are not represented in the reference dataset. Second it predicts the proportion of each known source of the reference dataset in the sink samples.

Organisms are represented by their taxonomic identifiers (TAXID).

Prediction of unknown sources proportion

Let \(S_i \in \{S_1, .., S_n\}\) be a sample from the normalized sinks dataset \(D_{sink}\), \(o_{j}^{\ i} \in \{o_{1}^{\ i},.., o_{n_o^{\ i}}^{\ i}\}\) be an organism in \(S_i\), and \(n_o^{\ i}\) be the total number of organisms in \(S_i\), with \(o_{j}^{\ i} \in \mathbb{Z}+\).
Let \(m\) be the mean number of samples per class in the reference dataset, such that \(m = \frac{1}{O}\sum_{i=1}^{O}S_i\).
For each \(S_i\) sample, I define \(||m||\) estimated samples \(U_k^{S_i} \in \{U_1^{S_i}, ..,U_{||m||}^{S_i}\}\) to add to the reference dataset to account for the unknown source proportion in a test sample.

Separately for each \(S_i\), a proportion denoted \(\alpha \in [0,1]\) (default = \(0.1\)) of each of the \(o_{j}^{\ i}\) organism of \(S_i\) is added to each \(U_k^{S_i}\) samples such that \(U_k^{S_i}(o_j^{\ i}) = \alpha \cdot x_{i \ j}\) , where \(x_{i \ j}\) is sampled from a Gaussian distribution \(\mathcal{N}\big(S_i(o_j^{\ i}), 0.01)\).

The \(||m||\) \(U_k^{S_i}\) samples are then added to the reference dataset \(D_{ref}\), and labeled as unknown, to create a new reference dataset denoted \({}^{unk}D_{ref}\).

To predict the proportion of unknown sources, a Bray-Curtis pairwise dissimilarity matrix of all \(S_i\) and \(U_k^{S_i}\) samples is computed using scikit-bio. This distance matrix is then embedded in two dimensions (default) with the scikit-bio implementation of PCoA.
This sample embedding is divided into three subsets: \({}^{unk}D_{train}\) (\(64\%\)), \({}^{unk}D_{test}\) (\(20\%\)), and \({}^{unk}D_{validation}\)(\(16\%\)).
The scikit-learn implementation of KNN algorithm is then trained on \({}^{unk}D_{train}\), and the training accuracy is computed with \({}^{unk}D_{test}\).
This trained KNN model is then corrected for probability estimation of the unknown proportion using the scikit-learn implementation of Platt’s scaling method with \({}^{unk}D_{validation}\).

The proportion of unknown sources in \(S_i\), \(p_u \in [0,1]\) is then estimated using this trained and corrected KNN model.

Ultimately, this process is repeated independantly for each sink sample \(S_i\) of \(D_{sink}\).

Prediction of known source proportion

First, only organism TAXIDs corresponding to the species taxonomic level are retained using the ETE toolkit. A weighted Unifrac (default) pairwise distance matrix is then computed on the merged and normalized training dataset \(D_{ref}\) and test dataset \(D_{sink}\) with scikit-bio.

This distance matrix is then embedded in two dimensions (default) using the scikit-learn implementation of t-SNE.

The 2-dimensional embedding is then split back to training \({}^{tsne}D_{ref}\) and testing dataset \({}^{tsne}D_{sink}\).

The training dataset \({}^{tsne}D_{ref}\) is further divided into three subsets: \({}^{tsne}D_{train}\) (\(64\%\)), \({}^{tsne}D_{test}\) (\(20\%\)), and \({}^{tsne}D_{validation}\) (\(16\%\)).
The KNN algorithm is then trained on the train subset, with a five (default) cross validation to look for the optimum number of K-neighbors. The training accuracy is then computed with \({}^{tsne}D_{test}\). Finally, this second trained KNN model is also corrected for source proportion estimation using the scikit-learn implementation of the Platt’s method with \({}^{tsne}D_{validation}\).

The proportion \(p_{c_s} \in [0,1]\) of each of the \(n_s\) sources \(c_s \in \{c_{1},\ ..,\ c_{n_s}\}\) in each sample \(S_i\) is then estimated using this second trained and corrected KNN model.

Combining unknown and source proportion

Then for each sample \(S_i\) of the test dataset \(D_{sink}\), the predicted unknown proportion \(p_{u}\) is then combined with the predicted proportion \(p_{c_s}\) for each of the \(n_s\) sources \(c_s\) of the training dataset such that \(\sum_{c_s=1}^{n_s} s_c + p_u = 1\) where \(s_c = p_{c_s} \cdot p_u\).

Finally, a summary table gathering the estimated sources proportions is returned as a csv file, as well as the t-SNE embedding sample coordinates.